Posts tagged: DUI

Jan 15 2017

Bogosity Podcast for 15 January 2017

Co-Host: Travis Retriever

News of the Bogus:

26:27 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: CNN and Buzzfeed (nominated by Neil Purcell)

32:54 – Idiot Extraordinaire: David Blaine

This Week’s Quote: “It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more completely deprive the nation of its benefits, than is done by its abandoned prostitution to falsehood.” —Thomas Jefferson

May 18 2014

Bogosity Podcast for 19 May 2014

Co-host: Charles Thomas

News of the Bogus:

32:44 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Milwaukee County Deputy Joseph Quiles (nominated by Dave Turcotte)

38:54 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Matthew Yglesias (again), Benjamin Lockwood, Charles Nathanson, and Glen Weyl (nominated by BreadGod)

This Week’s Quote: “I know nothing of man’s rights, or woman’s rights, human rights are all that I recognize.” —Sarah Grimké

Jun 16 2013

Bogosity Podcast for 17 June 2013

Co-host: Tim Dyson

News of the Bogus:

Purchase web services at GoDaddy by 6/30/2013 and get 35% off by typing in the code: WOWNOBOGON

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Biggest Bogon Emitter: Surprise, AZ Police Department–documents-show-a-drug-recognition-experts-said-no-impairment-present

Idiot Extraordinaire: City of Hartford, CT (nominated by Daniel Wilcox)

This Week’s Quote: “A scandal is when you find out how a State agency or bureau really works. Firings and reform are the minimalist tools to salve your anger. Then, it’s time to get back to scandalous behavior, this time more shrewdly disguised from you.” —Jim Babka

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