Oct 28 2012

Bogosity Podcast for 29 October 2012

Election Special:

Guest: Jonathan Loesche (FSBlueApocalypse)

Free & Equal Presidential Debate: http://freeandequal.org/updates/rt-presents-final-us-presidential-debate/
The next debate: http://freeandequal.org/updates/winners-of-october-23-presidential-debate/


5:00 – Virgil Goode: http://www.goodeforpresident2012.com/

15:10 – Jill Stein: http://www.jillstein.org/

25:30 – Gary Johnson: http://garyjohnson2012.com

33:30 – Mitt Romney: http://www.mittromney.com/

40:00 – Barack Obama: http://www.barackobama.com/

This Week’s Quote: “Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods.” —H.L. Mencken

Oct 21 2012

Bogosity Podcast for 22 October 2012

News of the Bogus:

Biggest Bogon Emitter: the Nobel Peace Prize Committee http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-19921072

Idiot Extraordinaire: Robert Wright http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/10/why-i-refuse-to-refuse-to-vote-for-obama/263116/

This week’s quote: “Remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil, and the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.” —Penn Jillette

Oct 14 2012

Bogosity Podcast for 15 October 2012

News of the Bogus:

Biggest Bogon Emitter: 11:00 Bonnie Kavoussi http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/08/lies-about-the-federal-reserve_n_1948346.html

Idiot Extraordinaire: 26:00 Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) http://www.mediaite.com/online/gop-house-science-committee-member-evolution-big-bang-%E2%80%98lies-straight-from-the-pit-of-hell%E2%80%99/

This Week’s Quote: ”But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value.” —Job 13:4

Oct 07 2012

Bogosity Podcast for 8 October 2012

News of the Bogus:

Biggest Bogon Emitter: Harvey Scott School Principal Verenice Gutierrez  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/11/is-peanut-butter-and-jelly-racist_n_1874905.html

Idiot Extraordinaire: Ke$ha http://news.discovery.com/human/pop-star-claims-sex-with-ghost-120928.html

This Week’s Quote: “I really believe that our quarrel is not with the Republicans, it’s not with the Democrats, it’s not with George Bush, it’s not with this program or that program. Our quarrel is with the use of force. Our enemy is force—the idea that force can solve problems, because force doesn’t solve problems.” —Harry Browne

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