Jun 30 2015

Bogosity Catch-Up Podcast – 30 June 2015

In the two-week hiatus for the Bogosity podcast, a lot has happened, so we had a Hangout to catch up on all the news and bogosity we’ve missed. Regular podcasts will resume next week.

News of the Bogus:

Biggest Bogon Emitter: The Sunday Times https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/06/14/sunday-times-report-snowden-files-journalism-worst-also-filled-falsehoods/

Idiot Extraordinaire: Politic365 https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/06/17/media-outlet-communities-color-lashes-solar-power/

This Week’s Quote: “We live in an age of artificial scarcity, maintained by ignorance and fear. The government has been paying farmers not to grow food…Labor unions, business and government conspire to hold back [technology]…The utilities advertise continually that “solar power is at least forty years in the future”…These propaganda advertisements are just a delaying action, because the utilities still haven’t figured out how to put a meter between us and the sun.” —Robert Anton Wilson

Jun 14 2015

Bogosity Podcast for 15 June 2015

Co-Host: Charles Thomas

News of the Bogus:

23:05 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Lily Goldberg http://thelibertarianrepublic.com/why-are-there-fewer-libertarian-women-because-anarchist-men-are-disgusting/

32:28 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Bernie Sanders http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2015/05/26/sorry-bernie-sanders-deodorant-isnt-starving-americas-children/

This Week’s Quote: “When poverty declines, the need for government declines, which is why expecting government to solve poverty is like expecting a tobacco company to mount an aggressive anti-smoking campaign.” —Stefan Molyneux

Jun 07 2015

Bogosity Podcast for 8 June 2015

Co-Hosts: Dave Turcotte and Travis Retriever

News of the Bogus:

38:21 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Los Angeles Labor unions http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2015/05/27/los_angeles_15_minimum_wage_labor_unions_want_to_be_exempt_from_it.html

45:02 – Idiot Extraordinaire: The TSA http://blog.erratasec.com/2015/06/understanding-tsa-math.html

This Week’s Quote: “At $8 billion per year, the TSA is the most expensive theatrical production in history.” —David Burge

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