Sep 28 2014

Bogosity Podcast for 29 September 2014

Co-Hosts: Dave Turcotte and Travis Retriever

News of the Bogus:

42:09 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Press and social media #BBGunControl

52:38 – Idiot Extraordinaire: City of Peoria

This Week’s Quote: “The only thing I can recommend at this stage is a sense of humor, an ability to see things in their ridiculous and absurd dimensions, to laugh at others and at ourselves, a sense of irony regarding everything that calls out for parody in this world.” —Václav Havel

Sep 21 2014

Bogosity Podcast for 22 September 2014

Co-Host: Jakob Morris

News of the Bogus:

25:33 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Yelp and Federal appeals judges #YelpGate

30:47 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Joe Weisenthal

This Week’s Quote: “People who argue that ISIS poses a threat to our democracies are out to lunch. ISIS is an ugly phenomenon, but it’s largely the consequence of one blunder after another by the US and its allies in the region, who shouldn’t have been meddling there in the first place…If the US and its allies want to reduce ‘terror’ in the region…they need to stop participating in it.” —Julian Assange

Sep 14 2014

Bogosity Podcast for 15 September 2014

#GamerGate Special

Guests: Dave Turcotte, Jonathan Loesche, and Matthew Page

This Week’s Quote: “Journalganda…it looks like news! But it isn’t. It’s propaganda…There’s nothing like journalganda to make you feel absolutely certain you are correct, no matter what your position…Real journalism can always be identified by the way it makes normal people sometimes feel very uncomfortable about the world.” —Charles M. Madigan

Sep 07 2014

Bogosity Podcast for 8 September 2014

Co-Hosts: Dave Turcotte and Daniel Wilcox

News of the Bogus:

22:02 – Biggest Bogon Emitter:

52:22 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Helmetta, NJ

This Week’s Quote: “The camera is the new gun. There’s nothing that government dislikes more than the light of day, and cameras recording what the government is doing…we have the right to know everything that they do and why they do it and when they do it, and how they’ve taken our freedom.” —Andrew Napolitano

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