Jan 29 2012

Bogosity Podcast for 30 January 2012

News of the Bogus:

11:10 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: OK Sen. Ralph Shortey (nominated by Dave Turcotte) http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/01/oklahoma_goper_proposes_bill_to_outlaw_aborted_hum.php?ref=fpb

15:10 – Idiot Extraordinaire: East Haven, CT Mayor Joseph Maturo (nominated by Dave Turcotte) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfeyg9G5Ov4

This Week’s Quote: “The most certain test by which we judge whether a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities.” —Lord Acton

Discuss at Bogosity.TV: http://www.bogosity.tv/forum/index.php?topic=1330

Jan 22 2012

Bogosity Podcast for 23 January 2012

0:52 – State of the Union Commentary

News of the Bogus:

18:30 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: The MPAA (nominated by Dave Turcotte)

20:55 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Matthew Yglesias http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2012/01/what_is_austrian_economics_and_why_is_ron_paul_keep_obsessed_with_it_.html

This Week’s Quote: “Many of the greatest things man has achieved are not the result of consciously directed thought, and still less the product of a deliberately coordinated effort of many individuals, but of a process in which the individual plays a part which he can never fully understand.” —F. A. Hayek

Discuss at Bogosity.TV: http://www.bogosity.tv/forum/index.php?topic=1314

Jan 15 2012

Bogosity Podcast for 16 January 2012

News of the Bogus:

11:40 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Lamar Smith http://www.digitaltrends.com/opinion/sopa-sponsor-rep-lamar-smith-to-sopa-opponents-you-dont-matter/

13:40 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Pope Benedict XVI http://atheistuniverse.net/forum/topics/pope-same-sex-marriage-threatens-humanity-itself

This Week’s Quote: “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” —Galileo Galilei

Discuss at Bogosity.TV: http://www.bogosity.tv/forum/index.php?topic=1307

Jan 08 2012

Bogosity Podcast for 9 January 2012

News of the Bogus:

6:35 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: The News Media (Iowa Caucus coverage)

12:20 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Pierre Dukan http://www.chicagotribune.com/health/sns-rt-us-slim-kids-markstre8051n1-20120106,0,3915996.story

This Week’s Quote: “Yes, there are incompetents in this world—just as there are evil-doers and frauds. That’s why we must reduce government to a fraction of its current size—to take away the power that enables incompetents, evil-doers, and frauds to run our lives.” —Harry Browne

Discuss at Bogosity.TV: http://www.bogosity.tv/forum/index.php?topic=1287

Jan 01 2012

2011 Wrap-up

News of the Bogus:

2011 Year in Review

Idiot of the Year: Bill O’Reilly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb3AFMe2OQY

Discuss at Bogosity.TV: http://www.bogosity.tv/forum/index.php?topic=1273

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