Posts tagged: UHC

Oct 22 2017

Bogosity Podcast for 22 October 2017

Co-Host: Tim Dyson

News of the Bogus:

22:07 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Jason and Jodi Chapnik

25:50 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Atlanta

This Week’s Quote: “It is not true that good can follow only from good and evil only from evil, but that often the opposite is true. Anyone who fails to see this is, indeed, a political infant.” —Max Weber

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Aug 05 2017

Bogosity Podcast for 7 August 2017

News of the Bogus:

16:35 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: AFT President Randi Weingarten

23:25 – Idiot Extraordinaire: BKK

This Week’s Quote: “Consider all tabulation systems infected by bad actors until a third party, not affiliated with the manufacturer or election officials, proves they are secure.” —James Scott

Bitcoin: 1CzzoRtYnFEqpnhDvt4UmP8Mn7Dt94ewga
Ethereum: 0xcc71830b27f5f5ab0cb615fdc2331bd581bed8ca
DASH: XmebStk9yUTzDCnwnxGkTCRzvm3HjRUXwi
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Sep 11 2016

Bogosity Podcast for 12 September 2016

News of the Bogus:

16:07 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Nebraska and Kansas police deputies

25:21 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Warner Bros

This Week’s Quote: “The police aren’t hired to protect you. They’re hired to keep an eye on you to see what you did that was wrong so that they can book you. That’s their function. They are not protectors. They are not hired to be protectors. They are hired to keep an eye on all of us as potential criminals. Now, do you think they’re going to make you safe? They weren’t hired to make you safe.” —Robert LeFevre

Jun 05 2016

Bogosity Podcast for 6 June 2016

News of the Bogus:

20:16 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: DePaul University

29:10 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Hillary Clinton

This Week’s Quote: “When someone gets something everyone is due by right, they are not privileged because others did not get that something. Racism or some other form of discriminatory bias may well be at work, but it’s not a ‘privilege’ to be treated civilly. Let’s see to it everyone is so regarded.” —Jim Babka

May 01 2016

Bogosity Podcast for 2 May 2016

Co-Host: Chris Hangartner

News of the Bogus:

25:30 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Opera Software

32:27 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Cindy Prior (nominated by evensgrey)

This Week’s Quote: “The government enforces a monopoly over the production and distribution of its alleged ‘services’ and brings violence to bear against would-be competitors. In so doing, it reveals the fraud at the heart of its impudent claims and gives sufficient proof that it is not a genuine protector, but a mere protection racket.” —Robert Higgs

Jan 17 2016

Bogosity Podcast for 18 January 2016

Co-Host: Chris Hangartner

News of the Bogus:

28:30 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Jeb Bush

37:12 – Idiot Extraordinaire: The Department of Justice

This Week’s Quote: “Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.” —Kenneth Boulding

Aug 09 2015

Bogosity Podcast for 10 August 2015

Co-Host: Jim Goebel

News of the Bogus:

43:06 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Hillary Clinton

51:57 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro

This Week’s Quote: “Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.” —T.S. Eliot

Jul 27 2014

Bogosity Podcast for 28 July 2014

Co-host: Dave Turcotte

Dave’s appeal: Join Our Boys

NHS Special:

2:44 – NHS to charge non-EU patients 150% of cost of treatment

12:33 – NHS crisis as struggling A&E departments fail to meet waiting time targets for A YEAR

18:29 – Forty per cent of adults advised to take statins under new NHS guidance

25:41 – ‘The NHS dishes out boob jobs and gastric bands but won’t pay for my life-saving heart op’: Stroke victim, 28, must now raise £10,000 for private treatment

31:52 – Patients denied vital operations by NHS bodies, surgeons report

41:22 – NHS shamed into U-turn as cerebral palsy kids WILL get life-changing operations like Ben Baddeley

This Week’s Quote: “The highwayman takes solely upon himself the responsibility, danger, and crime of his own act. He does not pretend that he has any rightful claim to your money, or that he intends to use it for your own benefit. He does not pretend to be anything but a robber…Furthermore, having taken your money, he leaves you, as you wish him to do. He does not persist in following you on the road, against your will; assuming to be your rightful “sovereign,” on account of the “protection” he affords you…The proceedings of those robbers and murderers, who call themselves “the government,” are directly the opposite of these of the single highwayman.” —Lysander Spooner

Feb 16 2014

Bogosity Podcast for 17 February 2014

Co-Host: Jakob Morris

Ed and Ethan 97:

News of the Bogus:

31:37 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: The Isocracy Network

36:26 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Iraqi Suicide Bomb Instructor

This Week’s Quote: “Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.” —Robert Heinlein

Jul 01 2012

Bogosity Podcast for 2 July 2012

News of the Bogus:

15:05 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Paul Krugman (two in a row! Nominated by Dave Turcotte)

18:25 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Accelerated Christian Education (nominated by Dave Turcotte)

This Week’s Quote: “It does not matter who you are, or how smart you are, or what title you have, or how many of you there are, and certainly not how many papers your side has published, if your prediction is wrong then your hypothesis is wrong. Period.” —Richard Feynman

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