Posts tagged: Chelsea Manning

Jan 22 2017

Bogosity Podcast for 22 January 2017

Co-Host: Daniel Wilcox

News of the Bogus:

18:58 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Oxfam

25:02 – Silver Cluon Award: Cris Thomas

30:04 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Donald Trump
Trump’s cyber-guru Giuliani runs ancient ‘easily hackable website’

This Week’s Quote: “National security is becoming an oxymoron in an age of cyberweapons. We need to work towards international security that works for everyone.” —Martin Hellman

Aug 23 2015

Bogosity Podcast for 24 August 2015

Co-Host: Charles Thomas

News of the Bogus:

30:58 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights

37:13 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Richard Blech

This Week’s Quote: “Anyone, from the most clueless amateur to the best cryptographer, can create an algorithm that he himself can’t break.” —Bruce Schneier

Oct 26 2014

Bogosity Podcast for 27 October 2014

Co-Hosts: Jonathan Loesche and (briefly) Dave Turcotte

Update: SunRail ridership lags, system to rehire ambassadors

News of the Bogus:

24:51 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Wendy Gittleson

51:32 – Idiot Extraordinaire: Tracie Harris and Matt Dillahunty (nominated by pretty much everybody)

This Week’s Quote: “All the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arise, not from the defects in their constitution or confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.” —John Quincy Adams

Aug 25 2013

Bogosity Podcast for 26 August 2013

News of the Bogus:

18:30 – Biggest Bogon Emitter: Republican and Democratic State Lawmakers (nominated by BlameThe1st)

22:05 – Idiot Extraordinaire:Lu Ann Ballew (nominated by Dave Turcotte)

This Week’s Quote: “I sometimes wish that people would put a little more emphasis upon the observance of the law than they do upon its enforcement.” —Calvin Coolidge

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